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    Payroll management is a critical function for any organization, but it can be time-consuming, complex, and prone to errors. With the help of artificial intelligence (AI), companies can streamline their payroll processes, reduce errors, and save time and money. This essay explores the benefits of AI in payroll management and provides a real-case scenario of how AI can improve productivity in payroll management.
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    Liquidated damages are a common feature of software development contracts. They are a pre-determined amount of money that a client can claim from a software outsourcing company if the company fails to meet certain contractual obligations, such as delivering the software on time or within budget. When a client demands to pay the liquidated damages, it can be a stressful and challenging situation for the software outsourcing company. In this essay, we will explore the definition of liquidated damages, the responsibilities of the software outsourcing company to the contract, and how to survive after the client demands to pay the liquidated damages.